If you are looking for a testing tool for children and students who are forced to stay at home, ownexams.com is the ideal solution. OwnExams provide a wide range of options for safe and objective testing of pupils and students at home. On our portal, you can create tests for different areas at home using a wide range of options and types of questions. Test results will be available to me upon login. You can use our site for free and without quantitative restrictions. Feel free to try our ownexams.com portal now. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you.
The ownexams.com testing portal provides a wide range of options for the safe and objective testing of pupils and students in schools. Based on consultations with teachers from practice, we managed to harmonize such criteria that description is almost impossible, even if students have directly visible to the screens. In this article we will show how to set the test parameters, whether to use the range of questions to achieve the most effective settings from the point of view of avoiding the possibility of writing.
Legislative requirements force virtually without exception on every employer to test their employees on a regular basis. Whether it is for work safety reasons, the Personal Data Protection Act or other specific laws, regular testing of employees it is already a matter of course. In the following article we will show how to create and set test parameters for this type of corporate testing easily and effectively using ownexams.com.
You can choose from 3 periods depending of your preferences. It's really cheap and it is not a subscription; the payment will be not repeated automatically. You can order services only for periods which are really needed.
$9 USD for week, $19 USD for month or $129 USD for year