The sign-up is FREE of charge. Use of the application is also FREE.
There are no other hidden pages for sign-up! It takes only 1 minute to sign-up.
Zadané údaje pri registrácii budú použité len pre účely samotnej registrácie a prevádzku stránky
Zadané údaje neposkytujeme tretím stranám a nevyužívame ich ani na nevyžiadanú marketingovú komunikáciu.
Group with administrator account is created after finishing the sign-up.
To login you can use your e-mail address or user ID, showed after sign-up.
You can add more users to your group after login in the 'Manage account' section.
* We will not disclose personal information to a third party without the informed consent of the individual. We will ensure that the personal information of users and customers will not be disclosed to any other institutions or authorities except if required to by law or other regulation.